The Classic Cookie ... three ways

Papas Cookies

papa-and-mamaIn generations past morning and afternoon tea was quite the norm. I remember holidays with my grandparents in Annerley a suburb of Brisbane. They lived in a classic white Queenslander with wide verandahs wrapping all around and cut out wood details in the arches in the living room.My grandfather (Papa) always had his meals at the same time; breakfast at 6, lunch at 12, and dinner at 6. Morning and afternoon tea were in between and it was always the same combination. A mug of coffee and two of "Papas Biscuits" on a wooden plate which he had made. He had wood turning equipment under the house and the bowls were mostly made of cedar, smooth and red.This "Papas Biscuit" recipe  (I'll  never get used to calling them cookies .. too much english heritage in Australia) is a wonderful biscuit basic. You can add any filling or flavour to fancy it up a bit. In this recipe I have divided the final mixture into three parts to create three different flavour variations.

You can also put a tray with the unbaked biscuit in the freezer for later and just pull them out and bake them if people turn up unexpectedly or children are too hungry to wait.


Pistachio and ginger, slithered dark chocolate, and organic sultana cookies


  • 125 gms butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups of self raising flour (can be half wholemeal flour)
  • 1/3 cup of each filling
    • dehydrated or crystallized ginger or
    • organic sultanas or
    • dark chocolate cut into slithers or just chocolate drops if you prefer
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder



Preheat the oven 180 degrees c

  • Beat the butter and sugar till light, then ad the egg, then flour.
  • Divide the mixture into three and mix in each of the 3 fruit and chocolate fillings into mixture. (I use my hands for this)
  • Mix well and shape into logs. Break off pieces about the size of a walnut, rolling into balls and press on to a baking tray in rows.
  • Bake in a moderate over (180degrees c) till lightly browned. It should take about 15 minutes.


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